What We Do
Sponsorship consulting, strategy, valuation, research, education and training
Our Approach
JSB advises organizations on what to sell (and what not to), how much to charge, what resources are necessary to get it done and how to implement a content rich and objective-based corporate sponsorship architecture.
Sponsorship Consulting & Strategy

- Asset inventory and optimization
- Customized sponsorship packaging strategies
- Organizational recommendations and partnership guidelines
- Ongoing strategic counsel
- Sales support, including:
- Prospect research
- Transition planning for current sponsors
- Sales and communication language
- Sales proposals
- Assist with deal negotiation
Sponsorship Valuation

- Sponsorship valuation and pricing guidelines
- Individual deal valuation or entire program valuation and pricing
- The JSB valuation methodology accounts for:
- Tangible and intangible factors
- Geographic reach and market factors
- Analysis of biggest value drivers
- The JSB process can also provide:
- Identification of benefits being missed
- Impact on overall fair market value of packages by adding/removing benefits
- Ability to project revenue under different scenarios and assumptions (e.g., evolving assets)
Research, Training & Education

- Sponsorship marketplace research
- Competitive research
- Prospect targeting reports
Custom training and education — topics include:
- What you have to offer
- How to package
- What to sell
- What to charge
- How to sell opportunities
Partnership Professionals Network – JSB Partnership Consultants Founder & CEO Dan Kowitz is co-convener of PPN
- PPN is the only national organization devoted exclusively to improving corporate partnership and sponsorship programs
- Idea exchanges in the Washington, DC and Chicago areas
- Full-day and half-day training programs
- Partnering with Association Forum, an organization that serves 47,000 association professionals
- Learn more: http://www.partnershipprofessionals.network